Waiting for Perfection
Still Looking for the perfect dream house….
There is one word that home buyers, especially first-timers, always bring up when looking to buy a home: perfect. Despite the real estate market constantly changing and evolving throughout the years, home buyers consistently use this word when they consider timing and finding their dream home. Is right now the perfect time to buy a house? and Is this the perfect home for us? are just two of the questions that inevitably arise on the home-buying journey that revolve around the pesky “p” word.
It’s not that striving for perfection is a bad thing because it’s not. However, the hard truth is that “perfect” doesn’t actually exist. It’s an unknown metric that many first time buyers can get caught up in that clouds judgment and prolongs the search. It’s in recognizing that there are no right or wrong answers when deciding to start looking for a home that sets you free and brings you one step closer to finding a place you can call your own.
The time is now
For a lot of people looking to purchase a home, the first big decision comes from deciding when to take the leap and enter the market. First-time buyers are especially critical of this decision, often setting personal milestones such as getting engaged, marriage, starting a family, or getting a promotion before thinking they can consider buying a house. But realistically, there is no “perfect” time to buy a home. There’s no big sign that will appear telling you to go for it. The time is now to start considering all the factors and putting a plan into place.
The biggest factor in a decision to purchase real estate is finances. Many first timers are anxious about the current state of the market and fear jumping in now while housing prices and interest rates are high. It’s so important to meet with your financial advisor and a real estate agent realtor to fully understand the big picture. Working with a local and knowledgeable realtor is your number one resource for understanding the market in your community, while working with your financial advisor and potentially getting pre-approved for a mortgage, will give you the clearest perspective of your finances and next steps. There may never be a perfect time to buy a home, but now is the time to start arming yourself with the facts.
Dream big (but be realistic)
When it comes down to the actual house search, it may be even harder to let go of the idea of perfectionism, especially if you’re looking at your first home. While 30-minute HGTV shows may make it seem like finding the right house is as simple as option 1, 2, or 3, the reality is that it may take options 4, 5, or 15 to find the right one. Manage your expectations by getting clear on what is on your must-have list and what falls on your wishful-thinking list. Remember that for the most part, nothing you see in a home is permanent. Walls can be knocked down, flooring can be installed, and backyards can be reimaged into sanctuaries. It may not be “perfect” right now, but if you’re willing to see potential you can very easily end up with a place to call your own.
The bottom line
Buying a home is a big step, but it doesn’t have to be a scary one. It’s easy to get caught up in the ideas of perfect timing and the perfect house, but clinging to that idea of perfectionism is only prolonging the search. Talk with a realtor and explore your options. You will be surprised at how attainable your dream home is.
Puckrin and Latreille Real Estate Group
Call / Text: 905.985.7300
Re/Max All-Stars Realty Inc Brokerage

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